Another summer is here and already across the country we are experiencing record temperatures. Yes, this means it going to be a long, hot summer. Finding that cool and comfortable area in your home where you can take cover and chill can sometimes be a difficult task, and a pricey one at that. Board games, arts, and crafts activities are often perfect indoor activities, but how can it be any fun if you do it in the dark?
Having those incandescent bulbs producing 100 watts of power all day can not only be pricey in the summer months, but it can actually add to the heat inside your home! For an average small room, the presence of incandescent lights raises the temperature 11 degrees overall. Replacing those fixtures with low voltage LED light fixtures will not only reduce the temperature, but cost of your monthly electrical bill as well! Twelve volt LED lights put out minimal heat, and are cool to touch! Lowering the temperature in those heavily used rooms during the exhausting summer months is ideal, but so is lowering the energy cost. LED light fixtures are sustainable and can cut energy cost over 50%!

Going with the cool choice of LED Lighting this summer seems like a no brainer. However, many people think that because LED lighting is a newer technology it is difficult to assemble and operate. They could not be more wrong! There are only a few simple components to LED lighting systems, and most installations require little more than plug-in connections. LED strip lights for your home can be easily customized using Inspired LED’s patented Tiger Paw connectors, many times without the need to hire an electrician. Inspired LED products are also compatible with many LED controllers, providing you with a range of options for dimming and adjusting the lighting to fit your changing needs throughout the day.
Remember to have a safe and cool summer, and for more information on LED Lighting and LED Lighting projects visit us at