Chances are, if you have questions about our products, website, or company, we’ve heard them! We have a team of highly capable customer service and engineering experts here to answer your burning questions [usually over] 40 hours a week. This week, let us break down the frequently asked questions we hear the most, just for you!
Should I order warm white or cool white for my kitchen?
9.9/10 times, my answer will be warm white. Why, you ask? Warm white will accentuate the colors in the majority of kitchens. It will closely match your incandescent lighting, with a warm and inviting feel. I currently have fluorescent (a blinding bluish color) overhead lighting and find that my warm white under the cabinet LEDs still look great. What if I’m that .1/10 time? Some people are more partial to cool white lights(similar to fluorescent bulbs) and that’s great too! Cool white looks great with steel, bright whites, and modern kitchens. It is also preferential to those who have very bad eyesight. Either way, both colors will provide enough light for task lighting in your kitchen.
I want a wall dimmer, what do I need for my LED system?
To utilize a wall dimmer, you will need the following components:
- Low Voltage Compatible Wall Dimmer (there is a list located on the transformer page as we currently offer one style)
- A Dimmable Transformer (This product should be installed by a licensed electrician.)
- Cable or Cables (depending on your set up)
- Flexible LED strips (with the exception of RGB) and any of our covered and uncovered LED panels
Our extensive transformer page can provide answers to all of your installation questions, located here.
Do you have a coupon code I can use? Can you just give me a discount?… Please??
The coupon code area in the shopping cart is mostly used by our large distributors and contractors. We will mostly give out discount codes in our monthly newsletter, and occasionally you can win them on Facebook and Twitter, so follow us to keep up-to-date on all of our exciting offers and giveaways! Also don’t forget our specials page which will show our currently discounted or sale items!
If you have more questions or just want to hear our lovely voices, please give us a call at (480)941-4286. Our customer service agents are also anxiously awaiting your emails at