Many Inspired LED customers have can lighting in their homes and have been asking us for an LED replacement. We believe Feit Electric has come up with an amazing solution – the dimmable BR30 LED bulb. We installed two Feit LED bulbs on the right and two standard incandescent bulbs on the left. The Feit LED bulbs have a very slight delay when switched on and off. As you can see, neither dims all the way down to zero, but we like it this way since our dimmer has an on and off switch as well. It’s incredibly bright and boasts a long life and huge energy savings.
Now, let’s look at how to choose your dimmer. Here we have a standard Lutron dimmer, a Lutron CFL and LED dimmer, and a Lutron DVLV dimmer, which we use with all of our Inspired LED products. The Lutron DVLV dimmer has good dimming options and is great for those who already have our Inspired LED products. The standard Lutron dimmer also gives you great dimming options but the lowest dimming setting flickers just a bit. The third is a CFL and LED dimmer. This is great for those who want the option of dimming LEDs all the way down to zero and you can find it at your local hardware store such as Home Depot, Lowe’s, or Menard’s. Turn the wheel to change the lowest settings. Here the low setting is pretty bright as you can see. Now if we turn the dial the opposite way the low setting will be zero and you will still have a full range of dimming. The Lutron CFL and LED dimmer is your best option if you don’t already have our products or would like your Feit Electric LED bulbs on a different dimmer. You can find the Lutron dimmers at your local hardware store and we now offer both the Lutron DVLV dimmer and Feit Electric bulbs on our website.
If you have any questions about how to install your LED lights please email us at or visit our website at