Understanding lighting, all the electrical components, and functions is not a simple task. Beyond learning the products and their functions, the names of products can often be confusing. We have created this two part series about LED lighting terms that we think help eliminate any guess-work for our customers, so the buying process becomes simple and comprehensive.
A common confusion between products can be seen with our interconnect cables and our cable extenders. Many customers will use the two terms interchangeably, when in reality these are two very different products. The Cable Extender, which is designed to connect two male cables together (in a way it is the Chinese finger cuffs of the cable world) fit between two cables extending the length. Interconnect cables are the actual cables that connect one light to the next light, creating the daisy chain. The standard sizes we carry are 4”, 1’, 2’, 3’, 4’, 6’, and 12’. If these sizes don’t fit your needs, we can also make custom cables to any size.

Moving on, another word that can have multiple products associated with it would be the word splitter. We frequently have customers asking if we have any splitters available for those situations when you need to run your lights in multiple directions. One splitter we have is the “Y” cable that splits into two different cables. Our standard “Y” cable is 11.5” long with a single 5” long female cable that splits into two 5.5” male cables. We also offer custom “Y” cables for those jobs that are more unique. The custom cables are actually more of a V-shaped cable but still work the same way as the standard cable. It has a male connector that splits into two cables any can be made to any desired lengths.

Having reviewed a few of our basic product terms, I hope that it will make your ordering process a little easier. Stay tuned for part two of our LED lighting terms series. If you still have questions, need to talk to a design team member about your next upcoming project, feel free to reach out and contact us at 480-941-4286.
Happy Lighting!