Customer Photo Contest

Photo Contest 2

At Inspired LED we are passionate about helping our customers make the most of their home or business space. Whether it is under cabinet lighting to put the finishing touches on your kitchen remodel, accent lighting for a display in your store, or even back-lighting for a piece of art.

It always brightens our day to see the results of our customers’ hard work and creativity combined with our products. It helps to inspire us, and makes what we do all the more worthwhile!

So this month, we are excited to announce the Inspired LED Customer Photo Contest! Beginning March 16th, 2016 we invite customers to participate by submitting your best photo of Inspired LED products at work in your home, business, or other application. All customer submissions will be eligible to be featured on our website, and one lucky winner will be selected for a grand prize!

To enter, simply CLICK HERE between March 16th and March 31st, to upload your photo. Then, beginning April 1st, check out all the submissions and vote for your favorite (one vote per customer please, and yes, it is ok to vote for yourself). On April 6th, results will be tallied and a winner announced to receive a $100 Inspired LED gift card & swag bag!

So turn on the lights and break out the cameras, it’s time to start snapping photos… best of luck!

For more information on the Inspired LED Customer Photo Contest, be sure to visit our events page. If you have specific questions about how to enter, feel free to contact us directly at!